Wednesday 9 July 2014

From my phone...

 Hey All! It's been a little while since our last blog post, and I thought to share a few pictures that have been "living" on my phone for a while, various things that we've been able to do and be a part of recently.

 Towards the end of June, we were invited up to Batibo, in the North West region of Cameroon to take part in a preaching/teaching seminar there. The theme was 1 and 2nd Timothy, and I had the privilege of teaching from I Timothy 4. It was an encouraging time, and I can say I learned as much as I taught, as the other speakers did a great job as well.

 At Batibo, the men and women's sessions were divided. Brittney was asked to teach about the Inner Beauty of a Woman of God. She did a great job (from the little I heard- I just popped in for pictures). It was also good to see some of our American missionary friends and spend some time with them.

George continues to be a big help and continues to improve
his teaching and preaching ability. We have also been having
personal studies together on Saturday mornings, and this
has been an encouraging time for us both.

 Ouch! Some weeks ago, Abel and I met for our weekly Bible study, but I could tell that Abel was just not feeling well. He had a toothache for a while but wasn't able to afford treatment, and so it had gotten so bad that he couldn't sleep at night. I took him down to the dentist to get it checked out. 3 of his teeth were cracked and in need of root canals. Well, with no insurance and no family to speak of, Abel had no way to take care of it, and so we helped him cover the costs. Thank God, he has had all three teeth repaired and filled and is now pain-free!

Mile 16 Church of Christ has been one of our favorite congregations to visit for some time. They have been growing over the past two years, and so decided to put up an extension on their wooden building. We offered to help out a little bit, as they were doing the majority of the work. We were able to get some roofing sheets to help them out. They have almost completed the work. 

Thanks so much! It is always fun to get packages in the mail, especially for our kids. Some of our dear family and friends (in other words, you guys!) sent them some fun art projects and also a bunch of books. Once again, thank you! It is very encouraging to know people are thinking about us! God bless you all! 

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