Sunday 26 July 2015


 Something we have always enjoyed doing, since we were in Ghana, has been having Vacation Bible School for neighborhood kids. This year, we got to have a VBS again, and it was a great time.
George and Perla were of tremendous help with the VBS this year, with George especially being responsible for much of it. He helped teach the kids songs, did the Bible stories, lead the games and showed videos for the kids. We helped plan and organize things and pitched in to help, but  it was very encouraging to see George, who was a part of so many VBS programs in Ghana, be able to step up and do so much to ensure that the program was a success. 
Volunteer at work. We were very grateful for Brian and Jael's house to host the VBS in as it rained frequently during the time. Perla helped with crafts and snacks even as she battled a stomach bug. 

Teaching about Noah with the younger group of kids. We used the school library for the arts and crafts time. 

Some of the younger kids' class. 
Crafts time! We made paper boats for the lesson on Noah!

We had from 25-40 kids each day of VBS, in spite of frequent rains. What a great chance to teach these kids Bible lessons. As we always cheer- "We LOVE VBS!!!"

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