Saturday, 30 July 2016

Heading Home!

3 Days! We will be headed back to Cameroon in 3 days! It has been 4 and 1/2 months since we left on March 15th, so we are pretty excited to be headed back on Tuesday. We've had a great time here in the United States, being able to see so many of you, encourage and be encouraged, even if our time has been pretty hectic (we've sometimes joked that we need to get back to Cameroon to really rest, ha ha). As we turn our attention to going back to Cameroon, there is a lot of packing and preparing to do. We also wanted to share a few projects and ideas we have as we head back. Some of you, as we visited and shared about the ministry this summer, may like to know some ways you could get involved, some needs and projects that we have. Here are a few things that you can be praying about for us as we head out, as well as some ways to get involved in helping us hit the ground running! 

  • NEW STUDENTS: We are anticipating having about 6 new students this year in school, which will bring us to over 20 kids in school! 3 years ago, there were 0, so we thank God for the growth, even as we strive to be patient and ensure the highest quality and ability to make disciples. This is also a need, as we still need to sponsor about 4 of our students! If you would be interested in becoming a sponsor, you can email us or connect with us on Facebook! 

  • NEW VOLUNTEER: Alima Yaya will be coming over from Ghana to help out with this year in school, teaching the Kindergarten class and helping reach out to the young ladies and helping in the gym. We are excited that she has already been sponsored to come! 

  • NEW MINISTRY AVENUE: We are looking to start a new ministry outreach in Cameroon, offering basic Bible literacy courses in Cameroon via evening classes. This is not a Bible college, not aimed at training preachers, but is a sort of Adult "Sunday School" with a more academic format. Some of the classes we are looking to teach are: Writing and remedial English, Basic Hermeneutics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Christian Ethics, Basic Theological Principles, and Comparative Religions. Our goal is to help Christians be more skilled in the Word and empower them in their efforts to disciple others. If you would be interested in helping us out with some of the costs of textbooks and materials, please let us know! 

  • NEW MINISTRY TOOLS: Part of being effective in Cameroon means having the right tools to take advantage of ministry openings. This means replacing aging equipment, getting resources, tools, and technology that we can use for edification, education, and evangelism. In addition to our new Adult classes, we hope to also expand into media outreaches, producing literature and videos to use in teaching, to help equip people. We also continue to look to upgrade the gym ministry with equipment that we find or make, keeping things painted and maintained, etc... 

  • OLD HOUSE CHALLENGES: Getting back, there are always a number of expenses and challenges that arise from being gone for almost 5 months. These things range from peanut butter that went missing, a water tank that was stolen, pipes that are leaking, washing machine that needs replacement, to walls that need to be treated for mold and repainted (landlords don't do this), school rents that need to be paid, as well as a host of other maintenance and mundane things that have to get done. Pray for us to have the energy and finances to get everything done quickly that will increase our effectiveness. 

  • OLD FRIENDS REUNIONS: We are super excited to get back and see those we left behind once again. It will be great to get back to the saints that meet in our home as well as many of the saints we work with in various locales, to see friends and co-workers (especially the Harrises and George), to restart Bible studies, get back to the gym ministry, and start preparing for the school year! 


  1. Praying for you guys as you head back and for all the energy you need once your back!! Maybe one day we will get over there to see you!

  2. It was an honor getting to meet your family in person finally! It only confirmed my love and support more for you and the ministry you are doing. We hope to be able to come help you there sometime soon for several weeks and pray God's blessings on you, your missions and health and grant you safety and wisdom. Love you guys so much!!
    Mark and Sharon


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