It is amazing to realize that we are already done with our first quarter of our first school year! Our school kids have been working so hard, learning their letters, beginning reading, and quoting memory work...
Brittney has been doing a fantastic job, handling a combined Kindergarten and 1st Grade class, teaching them numbers, letters, shapes, and getting the 1st Graders started on reading. It is a high-energy class, and she has truly impressed me... she is a gifted teacher. Hannah has been working with me on her PACEs (I also help with other things, such as PE, Music, French, opening devotions etc... which are combined). Hannah did a great job this 1st quarter, completing 22 PACEs (the required amount is 15) with an average of 98.8%, including getting 100% in all her Math tests this quarter! We are very proud of her efforts.
Paul, in Romans 1 longed to visit the Roman Christians that {you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith." There is something tremendously encouraging about spending time with other saints, those who have a like spiritual focus. We are looking forward to two opportunities for this in the next months.
First, at the end of this month, on the 22nd of November, we are looking forward to having Brittney's folks, Rhys and Sharon Thomas, come out to Cameroon for their third visit. They have always been a big help and encouragement when they come and we are really excited to have them again. We thank God that they keep coming back, even when sometimes the coming can be really tough. (Remember when we got stuck in Nigeria?
Having visitors is wonderful, to be able to share what we are doing and show how God has been making a difference here in Cameroon. It is also very encouraging and refreshing, like Paul, to visit others and be encouraged by their faith. We hope to do just that in December, as we are planning to visit Ghana for their Annual Family Preaching Camp. Ghana is really a home to us, where I grew up, where we graduated from high school, where we met, where Brittney got saved, where I graduated from college, where our two oldest were born and so much more. We look forward to seeing saints that we have known for so many years and haven't seen in two, and hope God can also use us to be an encouragement to them as well, that their faith will be uplifted as will ours.
Finally, while we are on the subject of comings and goings, we are planning to go to the United States (or for many of you, come to the United States) this next summer, that is June to September of 2015. One of our main goals is to take part in some training programs, especially the ACE Schools Supervisors and Administrator's Training. This is important to our school here in Cameroon going forward. I also hope to get certified as a Personal Trainer, which will be good for our gym, and also to take part in training for the Let's Start Talking program, an evangelistic program that uses English lessons to teach the Word of God. This is a program that we really think would be great to have here in Cameroon, a bilingual country. In addition to all this training, our other main goal in Coming to America (forgive the pun) is to visit with and see many of you, to encourage you and to be encouraged by you. We are saving up for tickets and planning our trip now as we would like to visit as many of our fellow saints, family and friends as possible in three months. We are looking at going everywhere from New York to North Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, Montana and more!
Much to share of both progress and plans for the Lord. We covet, as always your prayers and greatly appreciate your continued support in these endeavors! See you in the summer! (Or sooner???)
Great update. What are PACEs?