Hello all! We thought we'd give you all a quick update before we head back to the beautiful country of Cameroon this Saturday, October 12th.
As many of you know we came to the States June 6th due to serious complications to my pregnancy caused by a number of sicknesses and bad water. PRAISE GOD that I was able to carry to term and deliver a healthy and beautiful baby girl on August 2nd. I am convinced it was due to the prayers of the saints. Thank you to all who were praying and also for the funds given to completely cover the cost of our plane tickets. We are humbled and grateful for the generosity of the brethren. God bless you all! Carys is now 9 weeks old and a healthy 14 pounds (off the chart for weight!) and 24.5 inches long.
After Carys was born and we knew that all was well with her we made plans to head west and make the most of our time while in the US of A. We visited friends, family, and Churches in Missouri, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska and then back to Missouri we went. It was more than encouraging seeing the brethren out west. When we got back to Missouri God opened more doors for us to visit friends and family and share with others about our work. We drove to Virginia and North Carolina then back to Missouri. It was also a VERY encouraging trip out east. Traveling all those miles with 3 little kids was challenging but definitely worth it! It is exciting to see others that are zealous for the Lord.
A few things on our to do list before heading back:
- pray, pray PRAY!
- Enjoy visiting folks in MO and start saying our "goodbyes" or rather "see ya laters." :'(
- Finish packing
- Take a really long HOT shower (it's the little things...:)
- Eat good ole American chocolate (can you tell it's me, Brittney, writing this post?)
We will miss everyone in the States but we look forward to getting back to serving in Cameroon. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we head back and face many obstacles. I know that just as your prayers helped with Carys your prayers will also help us as we help seek and save the lost in Africa! Thank you for being our partners, providing, and for your continued support in this great adventure for Jesus. We love you all and thank God for you!
The Happy Hostetters